Essential Oils Maestro™, LLC
When you place a loyalty order of 125 PV or more by February 15th, you will receive a free 5mL bottle of MetaPWR with your order while supplies last!
View dōTerra's Fall / Winter Product Guide
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View dōTerra's Fall / Winter 2024 Living Magazine
This is a 148 page magazine, and will take a few minutes to load. Please be patient. Thank you!
If you are a musician who is at least 18 years old, you may join our email list.
Who: Musicians who are at least 18 years old.
When: (most) second Sunday of the month
Where: on Zoom (the video conferencing platform)
What: We will discuss the product of the month and any other promotions. Plus, we'll choose another essential oil (or an essential oil related product) to discuss.
Why: Learn more about the essential oils and how to use them.
How: Join our email list (by the Friday before the second Sunday) to receive the link and more information. (Note: You must be at least 18 years old to join the email list.)
If you are not able to join us, the presentation material (but not the video) may be posted on our website under the "Presentations" link in the menu.
Essential Oils Maestro™, LLC was founded by a musician who has used dōTerra's Essential Oils for more than a decade. We work with musicians of any ability and skill level who are at least 18 years old, their friends who are at least 18 years old, and their family members who are at least 18 years old.